The Average Adjuster in Finland

The Average Adjuster in Finland is a 165 years old statutory institution. The Average Adjuster makes general average adjustments when these are stipulated to be done in Finland as well as particular average adjustments.

Furthermore, the Act on Indemnity Adjustments by the Average Adjuster (10/53) prescribes that disputes relating to marine insurance indemnification shall be subjected, unless otherwise agreed, to an indemnity adjustment. In any case, a statement by the Adjuster is needed before the dispute is submitted to a court. There is an appeal to the District Court of Helsinki, the decision of which can further be appealed against before the Supreme Court of Finland without a leave.

The procedure before the Average Adjuster, despite having the flavour of long-standing traditions, meet well the current demands of speed and expediency as well as expertise. The Average Adjusters have invariably had long careers and their practice has for a long time been supported by high academic qualifications.

York-Antwerp Rules 2016 & CMI Guidelines on General Average

The Average Adjuster in Finland is Docent, Dr. Lauri Railas.


The Office of the Average Adjuster in Finland
Business Meeting Park
Salomonkatu 5 C
00100 Helsinki
Tel. +358 (0) 9 641 081

info (at)
lauri.railas (at)